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Hi guys,
This is the English version of the interview. It has been translated by Tanya, who spent many hours translating this interview (the interview lasts an hour!)
First there is a little introduction, they show some of Alexei childhood pictures and speak about him. Then they show the studio. There are two interviewers, Iolanda and Dmitry. Iolanda and Alexei sit near in a big black leather armchairs, Dmitry sits at the table aside. Alexei is wearing blue pull-over with two horisontal lines in the front (probably the same as on the last GPF practice pics), blue jeans and black shoes. He smiles.
Dmitry: So, on our last "Starry Tuesday" we said good bye to each other at the point when you were a world champion but when you were on your road - I`m running ahead - to the years not so joyful, or it didn`t seem to you that way? As I understand, Tatiana Anatoljevna Tarasova began to coach you, everything was alright - is that so?
Alexei: You know, it seemed to me then my life is really only beginning and it looked like there are only good things coming. In fact there were a lot of good things as well as a lot of bad things and we really gone through the huge hardship (a ghost of smile).
D: But why? Did you know everything will go that way or did you suppose it`ll be in another way? I guess there was some kind of pragmatic choice going from Mishin to Tarasova, well, because with Tarasova everything must be nice and easy.
A: Of course it`s a huge hardship going from one coach to another. It is totally absolutely different way of preparation for the season, another coach, she is a woman, she was much more close to me because she is a woman, she is not like Alexei Nikolajevich Mishin, he was very strict. Although she is also a strong woman, and attentive. And really, a lot has changed in me, it was very hard in the beginning but then after just a month I got used to her and I can say we became one and the training process was going really great (actually Alexei said, if translate it word by word, "on hurray", but I don`t know English equivalent to this expression, sorry) and during the season I won practically everything and I was very pleased but later, of course, the hardship began, like in any other business, like the economics in Russia goes: up and down, up and down; the same way I think every man`s life goes, I mean you can`t be always pleased, you need... there are minuses as well as pluses. There is no some kind of perfect training system, that`s why we`ve gone through joys as well as through the hardship.
Iolanda: But what kind of hardship began?
A: Hardship... (little sign)
I: You were here, in our program just after this, two weeks later you won the World Championship with an absolutely chic program, that was a magnificent performance - so, what kind of hardship?
A: It seemed to me that... yes, we were here two years ago, I won the World Championship after a few weeks and it seemed to me everything is gonna be... It looked like everything is fine, the world is wonderful, I gained my ends (all this with an enthusiasm in the eyes and a smile).
I: ...and it`ll always be that way...
A: Yes, I won the second successive World Championship, but in fact (looking serious) I didn`t expect that state I`d flow into, it was much more harder to win and much more harder to keep that state of mind after winning the World Championship.
I: Why? It`s like you must feel more confident.
A: (licking his lips) From one side, you become more confident, but from the other side... (thinks) it`s much more... (thinks, looking very serious) there`s much more responsibility coming from you, towards the audience, towards the coach, towards the judges, everything. There are an awful lot of cameras around you and you understand that any mistake... I mean it`s just beyond your comprehension, like you`re not allowed to make any mistake, but we are not perfect and we can make mistakes, so the complications arised. Naturally, my rivals were a bit tired of seeing me at the first place (smiles, Iolanda laughs), my face on the podium, on the top of the podium; naturally, they were working, they weren`t sleeping and as a result there was a heavy struggle, there were losses as well as victories.
D: Tell us please, did you have such a feeling - maybe you discussed that with Tatiana Anatoljevna Tarasova - a feeling of some kind of horror, like it`ll always be that way, you`ll always be the second one, did you have such a feeling or not? (Alexei looks at Dmitry very attentively, nods)
A: In fact in the beginning it was... (starts to smile)
D: In the beginning it was an euphoria, it`s like you made some kind of mistake, right?
A: Yes, it was such an amazing state because I was losing just by 1-2 jumps, I mean we were close but Zhenya constantly skated clean and... (thinks, looking serious) I mean, naturally, I was taking offence only at myself, not at Tatiana Anatoljevna, I was offended by the way I worked, I was always offended by making the smallest mistake but this mistake cost me victories. And in the beginning I was... like (waves his hand like he wants to show something). ...All this (with an irony towards himself), it`s just gone away, another life is going to begin and I`ll flow in again, everything is gonna be much easier and I will win again. In fact I was losing even more and then it`s like some kind of complex appeared. I can say I started to feel a bit afraid of this is going to be like that for the rest of my life, but then, last week it`s like (with contented smile and looking rather archly) something new...
I: About this severally, separately (everybody smiles). I suggest listening to our viewer and then continue.
Viewer: Hallo!
I: Hi!
V: Hi!
A: Good evening.
V: My name is Alexander and I`m calling from Odessa.
I: Nice to hear you. (Alexei smiles)
V: I`d like to ask You 2 questions. The first one: why had You left your coach? (Iolanda shakes her head) And the second one: You said once that You won`t let Plushenko to become great/big (?), is that so? (Iolanda smiles, Alexei looks serious, trying to smile).
I: Thanks for your question.
V: If it is so, I`d like to know, is that correct?
(Alexei smiles but looks not very pleased with the question)
D: Did you say such words?
A: Let us begin with the first question: why had I left my coach. You know... aam... in the beginning I felt myself really well with Alexei Nikolajevich Mishin and I can`t say our alliance led to something bad - no, I...
I: All the more, you became a World Champion with him.
A: Yes, all the more I became a World Champion, a European Champion at the same year with his participation. But life was changing and I decided to change something in my life and start working with Tatiana Anatoljevna Tarasova. I saw I was only a boy of jumps and I wanted to be some kind of artist, because I think figure skating is not only the jumps` art, also technique art, but you have to be artistic as well and understand the music (with the magistral look) and really understand what do you do on the ice, not only jumps (pause). Like that. Of course, there were some other reasons why I left Alexei Nikolajevich Mishin but this is going to stay between me an him. Certanly it was a hard change, but... I think I`ve done an absolute right thing to my life, I`m very happy about... yes, that was hard, but I`ve gone through that hardship.
I: And the second question: Had you really said, especially when you had left Mishin, that you won`t let Plushenko become the great?
A: You know...
I: We know you have a peculiar relationships with him which were formed at the time you trained in one group (Alexei nods, smiling).
A: Yes, we are competing (with half a smile), we have peculiar relationships, but I don`t have the right to say something like that, I don`t have the right to meddle with other people`s lives, I mean even if I wanted it much I cannot change anything in this life, that`s fate and I can`t in any way prevent Zhenya from being great, I mean...
I: But as a fact, have you said that or not? As I understand that`s what disturbs our viewer the most.
A: No, I haven`t said that and this is just the press...
D: But what do you think, did you know while training in Mishin`s group, that a few years later there`ll be you and Plushenko, exactly two men among each other?
A: You know, before...
D: At the times when there was Urmanov.
(Alexei smiles, licking his lips)
I: That everything ends up with such an opposition.
A: You know, coming to St.-Petersburg a couple of days ago I didn`t know yet I`ll be sitting here, in your studio (wide smile, Iolanda laughs). That`s why I... That`s life, there are a lot of good moments and bad, everything is always changing, that`s why I couldn`t even imagine to myself my life is going to go that way, I couldn`t imagine I`d become a World Champion, all the more 2 times, all the more 3 times, so I can`t help but wonder (with astonished and a bit apologetic look) there are really such a lot of pleasant moments.
D: Then we go to Balashiha. Hello, we are listening to you.
V: Hallo, hi!
A: Good evening.
V: Iolanta Evgenjevna (Alexei smiles) and Dmitry and Alexei, I congratulate you on the forthcoming New Year, wish you well and good luck!
I: Thank you.
D: Thanks.
V: I`d like to ask Alexei where is he going to celebrate the New Year? This is Maxim from Balashiha. Thank you.
D: Thank you, Maxim.
I: Maxim, you took away our question! (To Alexei) Where are you going to celebrate the New Year?
A: You know, I haven`t seen my mom for half a year already, so I was really happy to come to Russia and to go to St.-Petersburg at once to look at my family, to meet my friends and the New Year I`ll spend in St.-Petersburg. Although I have 2 practices on 30th, but I`ll get to the train at once and go to ST.-Petersburg and I`m really happy this New Year I`ll spend with my parents (smile)
Dmitry: Going back to those past times though, to the past year. But still everything wasn`t alright. At first it seemed like it`s only an accident, but it went on and on and on. Then what, you and Tatiana Anatoljevna Tarasova were looking at each other and realizing you need to do something. I know it`s nice to remember it now, but only to remember - is that so?
Alexei: (with a smile and playful look) As a matter of fact the season is not over yet. Of course it`s nice to remember (smiles even wider) but let us not rake the past (almost laughing, like waving with his hand the past aside), let us not to look at the last year`s season. Surely it was, could say, a precipice in my career, but I think (seriously again) a man should... every man must go through ups and... aam... (little pause, like he fogot the word, makes a gesture with his hand showing "downs", Iolanda tells him - "downs") downs and abysses, so I`m really glad my "down" was during the season previous to the Olympic and at this moment I`m feeling fine and I`m really glad I got away from this hardship, from this recipice, from this hole and now I`m going up (he speaks very fluently, waves his hand and looks very-very pleased).
D: Some say you turned to the psychologists` work, is that so?
A: (crosses his legs) I turned to and now I`m working with Zagainov, Rudolf Maximovich and I`m very glad our alliance leads me to victories. There is nothing terrible about it, we just really have a very serious pressure upon us, all the more during the Olympic season it`s really hard, that`s why I started working with psychologist.
D: Some say it`s a common thing in figure skating, I mean a psychologist is working with Slutskaya now, right?
A: I think every professional athlete, not only a figure skater, must work with the person... with those people, with that company which helps him. At this moment, naturally, Tatiana Anatoljevna Tarasova helps me a lot and gives me a huge support, but I still needed a psychologist`s help and I feel myself much more calm now and... (sigh, with very nice, wide and contented smile) I just can smile every day. (Everybody smiles)
Iolanda: Well, about how you feel today and what the future brings we will talk a bit later, but now I`d like to go back to the past - I`m sorry, our viewer is calling, but for 2 seconds only. Towards the question about Evgeny, about your rivalry. While you were training under Mishin together you saw how he climbs up, how fearless he is with the technique and with the jumps (Alexei listens very seriously) and when you left for Tatiana Anatoljevna, you couldn`t help but feel that a serious rival grows in him (no emotion on Alexei`s face), because you know him, you saw him in this group (Alexei nods). Was it like you were thinking about it, that it`s exactly him you`ll be struggling with?
A: (nodding, with a very serious look) You know, when we were working with Alexei Nikolajevich Mishin, when I was working with Alexei Nikolajevich, we had a lot of great skaters in our group like Alexei Urmanov, I`ve learned a lot from him; and Evgeny Plushenko, and Oleg Tataurov, and... (looks above, with a kind of humble smile) me (wide smile).
D: (also smiling) There were a lot of us, the great, in the group, for example, me. (Everybody laughs)
A: Yeah, there were a lot of us, the great. But in fact Zhenya Plushenko wasn`t a rival to me at all at that moment, that`s why...
I: For THAT moment.
A: ...when I was leaving Alexei Nikolajevich Mishin I wasn`t thinking this athlete will be a rival to me. But naturally, in everybody... in every system there are pluses and minuses. At that time, when I was training with Zhenya Plushenko and Alexei Urmanov we were like... There were a lot of us and we were pushing each other on every practice. I mean, he did this - I want this, I did this - he wants this, so that`s why technically right now we are... only because of that I can say we are the strongest in the world.
D: Technically, that`s clear, but what about the personal level? Some say and I`ve read in an interview that off all of this group you assort only with Urmanov - is that so? Well, I understand it`s like "hi - bye" (Alexei smiles) with everybody else, but not more.
A: You know, Alexei Urmanov is a great person and although he became an Olympic Champion he remained an ordinary person by his nature, he`s got a wonderful personality and so... I`ve learned a lot from him, not only in figure skating. Because I spent a lot of time with him when I was just a little skater and so I still assort with him and I`m really happy Olympic Champions remain humans (smiles).
I: And you have a chance to assort with such person. Hallo, hi, we are really sorry for such a long delay.
Viewer: Hi!
A: Good evening.
V: My name is Tanya, I`m from Moscow. I want to ask Alexei Yagudin a question.
I: Sure.
V: In whom you see the main rivals at the forthcoming Olympics? Good luck to you at the Olympics!
A: Thank you. Actually... (pause, then with irony) I was always thinking the Olympic Games were an absolutely the same tournament as the European Championship and Worlds. But as a matter of fact I could never even imagine how discomposedly, how much discomposedly I`ll be expecting these (with a look of excitement) Winter Games (smiles). Aam... In fact there are a lot of skaters and really to expect... every athlete can be a rival. Surely, naturally, Evgeny Plushenko will be the main rival, but a lot of that is... (mixes up with the words a bit) ...there are a lot of athletes taking part in World Championships and everyone out of 30 participants will make some kind of rivalry and naturally this will force some kind of nervous state on me. The Chinese are very strong right now, Americans and Canadians are also strong, so I can`t say someone particular will make a strong rivalry to me. It`s only that the Olympic Games is such an unpredictable tournament and if to rely on the past, there are a lot of athletes who became Olympic Champions while they were...
I: Nothing before.
A: ...nothing in life, they`ve never been neither European nor World Champions, well, it`s just... that`s fate, that`s life and they became Olympic Champions. For example, this is the case in figure skating: Elvis Stojko was three times World Champion and never became an Olympic Champion.
I: Right.
D: Browning was...
A: (nods) ...four times, so I think you should rely only on yourself, like show everything you are capable of and then (pulls his hands apart quickly and smiles archly) everything will be alright.
D: You know you have an "your/own (?) field" factor on your side.
A: (smiling) Yeah, I`ve watched one of your programs.
I: (also smiling) Right, that`s my favorite topic - an "own field" factor. Well, I think it is obvious Evgeny Plushenko is the main rival. It seems to me like our viewer wanted to know if there is somebody you keep your eye on, from whom you can expect "a dirty trick", a sudden one. Probably it is Timothy Goeble (not sure about the spell, lol) who is jumping and jumping and isn`t falling, or is it someone else? Or do you think Eldredge (spell?) can fight for something?
A: (smiling) There are a lot of them, actually...
I: Just somebody...
A: There are a lot of them and they can make a huge rivalry. All the more, as I have already said, Olympics are unpredictable kind of sport (shakes his head), unpredictable championship, all the more in figure skating. Elvis Stojko is in a very good form right now, he won Wordls three times but never held the gold in his hands. He is very strong and healthy at last. And also Todd Eldredge, and also Timothy Goebel, and also the Chinese and, as I`ve already said, everyone can make a very serious rivalry.
I: It means, you should not forget about them in any way.
A: You should think only about yourself and the main thing you have to show everything you are capable of (smiles, shaking his leg).
I: Alright. Let us hear the call.
D: BTW, about health. As I understand you are not healthy right now, you miss the Russian Nationals.
A: Well, I think this is the news for Russia`s citizens but in fact yes, I came here for RN; I was in St.-Petersburg for a couple of days and I totally forgot that here in Russia (with ironical-playful look) absolutely everything can happen and unsuspected things just happen every day and so, limbering up before the practice on Friday I had twisted my leg because I couldn`t suppose there can be a little pit under the rug. I had twisted my leg, it bothers me a bit at the moment. Of course I can skate at RN but not at my full potential, so we had a talk with Federation`s President, Valentin Nikolajevich Pisejev; it went off favorably and we concluded it`ll be better if I prepare for the Europeans and for the Olympics. Certanly, I really wanted to skate at RN, this is my oldest tournament which I never won and I really wanted to conquer RN at last but... (pulls his hands apart) I`m not fated to this again, it`s not gonna be this year.
I: Well, maybe the next year. Hallo!
V: Hallo!
I: Hi!
V: Hi! This is Diana from Moscow calling, I have this question: if You win the Olympics will You turn pro? Of course I wouldn`t want this to happen (Alexei smiles) cause it`s rarely something shown here and such programs like You have you won`t see with somebody else. Thanks.
A: (smiles) Thank you very much.
I: Well, this is of course running ahead, but anyway.
A: You know...
I: So, answer this question disengaging yourself from the possible results of the Olympics. In general, are you going to turn pro after the Olympics?
A: I think no. Last year, after finishing last year`s season I thought, enough, I`m tired, the main thing is to skate at the Olympics and I`ll turn pro. But this year I feel a new strength inside myself and I realize I can do a lot in figure skating - those programs, they get more powerful and better every year, and more interesting. So I don`t think I`ll turn pro, I guess I`ll be at the Olympics in Italy in 2006.
I: Wow that`s wonderful news for our viewers! One more question I`d like to clear up: there was much talks and stir but we didn`t have an oppotunity to talk to you or even to Tatiana Anatoljevna, when in the year 2000 - I suggest looking back - you won the World Championship, but you had this program... Plushenko was strong, you had some unfortunate program prepared for the season, you`ve changed it importunatly for the Worlds and you won. Tell us a bit more detailed: why did it happen, how did you think it out, and how did you manage to create a World Championship winning program with such a limited period of time?
A: Actually it was a hardest moment in my career. The program was really interesting - before we changed it - but it was a bit heavy for the audience, the music was a bit heavy and after talking to... I lost Europeans, RN and after the discussions... I took part in the discussion, Tatiana Anatoljevna and some of the judges and we decided - sure I can win the World Championship with this program, but it`ll be a bit hard because for that year, as far as I remember, he had "Zyganochka" for the free program, of course (smiles) this is more lively program and for the audience and for the judges it is more interesting to watch, and certanly it moves...
I: And he looks really good in it, right?
A: Right, and... (pause) with Tatiana Anatoljevna Tarasova we decided to change the program. Of course it was hard, cause during one month`s period it is really hard to change something, all the more before the World Championship. Staging of a program usualy lasts the whole summer. Certanly the program is staging but you also have to skate it for a long time, right. But we decided to do that and I won the World Championship, and I`m very pleased with... like everything done is for the better (wide smile).
I: I guess that was a record moment when you did 2 quadruple jumps.
A: Right, in fact I was the first who did 2 quadruple jumps at World Championships.
I: And we gonna have a look at it. (Alexei smiles contentedly)
Then goes a report about men`s skating, how they jump doubles, then go to triples, and then to quads. They show some fragments of different skaters` perfomances, the last they show fragments of MITIM at GPF. You can see Alexei in the corner of the screen, he`s watching himself and smiling.
I: Well, had a look at that?
A: Nah, I`ve seen this already.
I: Are there gonna be any surprises? How are you going to amaze us? I know, by complexity... I can`t imagine how much more of these awful combinations and jumps you can cram into a program. But nevertheless we know already, we`ve read in newspapers, that Plushenko trys to amaze the world with quad Lutz which is, I think - I was going in for figure skating - very complicated. What are you going to attempt?
A: Actually, maybe he will amaze the world, but some athletes did this jump already: Elvis Stojko, Vjacheslav Zagorodnyuk and Michael Weiss...
I: I mean, in competition.
A: ...did this quad Lutz at American Nationals. So this is not gonna be the first case in the history of figure skating. Actually I`m glad, of course, for him learning new quads, but still, at the Olympics, at Europeans and Worlds there will be 2 toeloops again and everything will depend only on the cleanest fullfillment of every element and, naturally, on choreography of the program.
Iolanda: Tell us, in connection with growing complexity of figure skating, like we`ve just seen men were jumping doubles and 3 revolutions were a surprise to the public (Alexei slightly nods). Now it`s quadruple jumps, I mean it`s scary even to think about it. Is it possible to jump, say, 4,5 Axel? Did anyone attempt it?
Alexei: You know, the world does not stand still... figure skating does not stand still...
I: Did you think about it?
A: ...yeah, it doesn`t stand still, just like the world, we are moving. We didn`t use (with a kind of philosophical look; Iolanda grins) mobile phones but now every ordinary person has a mobile phone. Actually everything is developing so quickly and really we were jumping doubles, nobody was thinking about triples; then triples, now quads. I`ve already attempted 4,5 Axel...
I:Really, the Axel?
A: ...after the Nagano Olympics. I was under Alexei Nikolajevich Mishin on that period, before the tour. And I think this is possible, I mean I don`t believe in a jump with 5 revolutions, but people will be doing, I don`t know how far in the future, people will be doing all the quadruple jumps in a program, and 4,5 - I think this is real.
I: Tell us about your attempt to do a record 4-3-2 combination, which Plushenko did, at the GPF in your "Gladiator" program - you put it in there, it wasn`t there before - what was that? Are you going to do this at the Olympics? Do you want to try it?
A: You know, the Olympics... they`ll try to do absolutely everything, maximum they are capable of, so maximum I know Zhenya and me, we can do more quads on practices but they are not yet so stable to use them in a program, so there will be again 2 quads, but in combinations. I do 4-3-3 on practices as well as he does and that`s why everything depends on a fullfillment of the first quad and on a quality of it`s fullfillment.
I: It means, if it goes well...
A: If it goes well then naturally the runout... is just a small thing left to do (it was a figurative expression here but I couldn`t find English equivalent to that again, sorry), I mean it`s done. But in Kitchener at GPF I just was so close to the board, it`s like I (with enthusiams, waves his hands, smiles) went into this jump, the double loop, but after a half-turn in the air I saw the board is so close...
I: (laughing) That you gonna sit on it.
A: (laughs) ...that I`m going simply to sit on the board like it happened at GWG in the beginning of the season.
I: But how to escape that, like to do it a bit aside?
A: (very ironicly) It`s just a small thing left to do (again that expression, lol), only to move quad to the middle of the rink.
I: But how?
Dmitry: Or remove the boards, I know.
I: Why do you go to the end? What is that, uncertainty?
A: Well, it`s hard, because the quadruple jump now, at this moment is one of the hardest technically, so everybody, everyone has his own way of doing quads, everyone has his own way of thinking and so he is doing it in his own way. So I (pointing at himself, trying to look very earnestly) was learning it near the boards (Iolanda laughs) and til now to feel myself confident before the quad I... (shows with his hands like he`s moving something to a certain place)
D: I wonder if there`ll be boards at the Olympics. It`s different every time: sometimes they are there, sometimes they are not (with smile).
I: (laughing) Maybe we could come to the agreement there`d be no boards?
A: You know, there will be boards (very archly and ironicly) but on that place there`ll be a small cut for the camera (Iolanda laughs, Alexei smiles broadly) so I must be very accurate not to fly away into it (very archly; everybody laughs).
D: There is a viewer waiting, I thing we should let him in our conversation. Hi!
A: Good evening.
I: Hallo!
V: Hallo!
D: We are listening to you.
V: Hallo, hi! (with a very childish voice; Alexei smiles) My name is Oksana, I`m calling from Perm, I`d like to ask this question: at the last World Championship You were second, unfortunately, but I`m interested in a situation You`ve commentated for the "Sport-express" newspaper (Alexei is serious again) about Berezhnaya/Sikharulidze performance. They also were placed second but I think it is unfair because the Canadians made a mistake, but You said on that day the Canadians were the best. Is it Your principal attitude to this duo, Berezhnaya/Sikharulidze, or You just didn`t know the Canadians made a mistake.
I: Well, I hope you remember what is this about...
A: Yes.
I: ...she jumped a double toeloop instead of triple (Alexei nods), but it looked very clean and someone who doesn`t know can simply not to notice and B/S had lost. So is it your prejudised attitude to them, you said the others were better, or you just didn`t notice?
A: You know, yes, I remember that moment. In fact I adore both the Canadian and the Russian duos, but for that moment it was so obvious the Canadians were the leaders because in a pair... That`s me skating single but in a pair they have to be united. For that moment, as it seems to me, Anton was a bit weaker although they skated clean and the Canadians made a mistake on a double Axel (smile). But for that moment I was so charmed by their skating... but (waves his hands) in any case this is sport in which there are 9 judges and they decide this and so... Of course I always root and cheer for Anton and Lena, surely they are also from St.-Petersburg and I`d be very pleased if they had won, all the more our lives were like going on at the same time and we were winning World Championships together. Of course I support them, but for that moment for some reason I really liked the Canadians (smile).
D: OK, going back to GPF and to the judging problem. Is that true right now the judging in figure skating is almost 100% objective. I mean the judges have their own little things in between themselves and they don`t have the right to place like they want... I mean, for example, dance, when the first 6 duos were mixed up in the last Final (deep-drawn sigh from Alexei, he smiles) Or it`s just like we get wishful for actual?
A: Well to this point that is the hardest question (smiles archly) Aam... Judges are people who decide what they like and what they don`t.
D: Are they still people or do they exist in some strict limits?
A: (slightly squints, smiles) Let us not to go so deep into this topic (Iolanda laughs). I`m also in this sport... Of course they are people, but from the other side: an "own" audience support, the Federation, it is all very hard, but... Thanks Goodness (looking really very thankful), I`m not in dances, I`m in singles (smiles), I mean what depends on me...
I: (laughs) There are some criteria.
A: ...right, there are jumps, there are spins, there are step sequences, you have to skate clean and everything will be on your side, so I... (with apologetic-arch tone) can I pass this question?
I: (laughs) Pass commentating on judging. Lyosha, you and Tatiana Anatoljevna Tarasova, starting from the year `99, have created 3 masterpieces, right, 3 FP excluding the one you made over (Alexei nods), we put that aside for now. To lose with "Gladiator" (Alexei looks thoughtful) which seems to me was a magnificent demonstration of creative work plus all the rest, was it like twice more offencive than simply to lose?
A: Twice more offencive it was when I was watching actors rewarding ceremony and "Gladiator" received some Oscars (smiles), then it was really offencive that (smiles ironicly, pulls his hands apart) a figure skater Alexei Yagudin had lost with such a wonderful program. Really, the program was remarkable and I used it again at GPF and I think I will use it one more time, for the last time I will skate it at European Championships in qualification, but... (all the next - very lively) we don`t stand still, we try to create new masterpieces and I think this year the SP is a new masterpiece, I really do like all of my programs this year.
I: Yeah, everybody is crazy about this program. And now...
D: We are not standing still, I think we are going to Odessa.
I: Odessa is on the line, hallo!
V: Hallo!
I: Hi!
V: Hi!
A: Good evening.
V: I`m a figure skater from Odessa, Oganez (a boyish voice; everybody smiles). I`d like to ask You, was it fair You were placed first at GPF?
I: Now, the serious questions are coming (Alexei smiles).
D: That was a clear question, we want a clear answer (Iolanda laughs).
A: I think yes. I was fairly second after SP because I touched the ice after 3A. There were no questions. The second... the first FP (with a kind of enigmatical look, smiles) I`d leave it... of course I made some mistakes so I was second. But I think I fairly won the second FP because I did 2 clean quads and 2 3A and comparing to Zhenya - surely, he did all the triples and I made one mistake, but he made a mistake on quad and did only one 3A. I think I really deserved to win at this GPF and in the future I hope not to dissapoint me... myself and my coach.
D: There were no doubds, but what do you think - it`s just a small question - 2 FP and a SP which means 3 perfomances, is it better than 2?
A: You know, again, there are negative and positive sides in every system. It was the hardest competition this season because we skated both SP and FP at the same day. It was really hard for everyone but, thanks Goodness, we went through this competition (looking really thankful again). As for the Europeans and Worlds...
D: The competition turned out well for you, as I understand.
A: (smiling) Right, it turned out really well for me (Iolanda laughs), all the more... (pause) losing, I was waiting for this victory for one and a half years and it happened at last. But, going back to this competition again... it was very hard (thoughtful pause). Although, from one side, at Euros, at Worlds there are some pluses, some positive sides in qualification because you can try the ice, you can try the program... to see like (playfuly) does the ice work for you or it doesn`t, does a stand works for you or it doesn`t.
I: You can throw down the pressure, to live in somehow...
A: Right, but at the same time qualification can affect badly like it happened at the last years Worlds when I skated (with this kind of look ) FP in qualification not at my best and was only fifth and it was very hard to climb up after that. I mean, I think qualification should be canceled but I don`t have the right to decide (smile), that`s ISU...
I: (laughing) You should be thankful they had canceled school, it was there during the Soviet period (I have no idea what they are talking about,lol).
A: Right (nods, smiling)
D: Did you like school before?
A: You know, I was on 2 competitions on school, that`s all I could catch at my infancy, but I don`t remember (ironicly) I was at honorable places there (Iolanda laughs), I loved spinning and jumping more.
I: Right, good jumpers were always losing at school. But tell us, these tremendous step sequences the whole world is squealing and crying about (Alexei smiles), yes it is really so, they are there in every program - whose creative work is it? I understand in any case this is a joint work but still, who thinks them out, how do they born?
A: You know, I think in figure skating especially in mens discipline we came to the point, to the limit where everybody jumps absolutely the same. I mean, now it depends on (counting with his fingers) quality of the jumps, on spins, on their centering, on their speed, on the skating speed, I mean at this moment we try... I mean everybody wants to overtake the other by the smallest... I mean for example we didn`t pay attention to a step sequences before, you needed a quad or a 3A (all this very actively, waves his hands) and that`s it.
I: And the rest just doesn`t matter.
A: And the rest just doesn`t matter, you will win anyway. The main thing was to do some jumps. At this moment everybody jumps, everybody jumps wonderfully, everybody spins, everybody does a step sequences, so we payed more attention to the steps and of course this is really hard. I remember (starts to smile) staging the SP when I was doing circle and stright step sequences, I was saying to Tatiana Anatoljevna (all the next is really good and funny acting) "Tatiana Anatoljevna, I`ll simply not going to go to the end of the program (Iolanda laughs), let us do something more easy!" (Iolanda laughs even more) She says "Lyosha! Go!" That`s how this program was created and I`m really glad she had her will and it is really interesting sometimes, how...
I: Now even the Canadian skaters do your footwork for the encore, as we`ve seen it at GPF. Hallo!
V: Hi!
V: I`m calling from Moscow, my name is Valentina Andrejevna (Alexei smiles).
I: Nice to hear you.
V: Alyoshenka, I`m watching this program from the very beginning and I`m simply delighted. I congratulate You on a forthcoming New Year and on returning home to Russia (Alexei smiles hearty). As a mother of two sons, although they are not athletes, of course (Alexei smiles, nods), I`m watching and getting true motherly pleasure (Alexei smiles, looking really very pleased). To Your mother, to Your parents (Alexei smiles, licking his lips) also congratulations and we can pray mothers`d have more such sons like You (Alexei smiles even more), You are such a lovely young man.
I: Do you have any question?
V: All the luck to You, also at the Olympics, and God give the luck to You.
I: Thank you.
D: Thank you very much.
V: Best wishes to you.
A: You know, there has been the hardest question already, and this was the most pleasant wish and I`m really happy I came home, I haven`t been here for a long time, after completing my education at the University in St.-Petersburg, I`ve completed it and now I`m free, I haven`t been here for half a year and of course (very sincerely) I missed it very much and I`m really happy to be here.
D: For the second time you confirm this, about returning home, but is it true you`ve been living there for 2 years and you feel yourself more like the American resident than the local one?
A: You know, not for 2 but practically for 4 years I`ve been living in America. But what means I live there, I`m a skater, it`s like I`m here, I`m there (smiles), I`m everywhere. Sometimes of course I go to the camps just for 3, for 2... for 2 weeks, for 3 weeks, for a month, for 2 months. I mean I can`t say where is my home (very vividly), I mean I can be in America, but I`m also in Russia and of course I miss my homeland and especially... well, it`s not so much for the homeland (with a kind of ironic look) because amazing things are happening in Russia, but I really miss my relatives and friends very much.
I: In no way better you could lead us to the report...
D: Because we see Yagudin here, we see Yagudin on ice, but it`s our reporter Vassili Solovjov (the guy who commentates all the figure skating events on NTV+Sport and he is known for being friendly with Alexei) is the one who saw Yagudin in America.
Here goes a report about how the athletes live and train with Tarasova. Then they show fragments of Alexei`s practices and some of "off ice" stuff. And then goes a fragment of some other Alexei interview. He is at his home, sitting on the sofa, wearing gray shirt (of course he is wearing something else, I just can`t see it, lol) and looking soooo sweet and lovely I don`t even attempt to describe it, you`ll better see it for yourselves
Alexei says: (smiling) Aam... For this moment I live here alone, you came to visit me, but I wish there was somebody... I really fail somebody, that person who would, for example, cook for me as I don`t have my mom near me, who`d help me, I mean when I come home I`m alone. The only good thing is that I have my doggy, Laurick, but he never answers me (smiles). Of course from one side it is good, because if I`m (playfuly) in a bad mood, whatever I say to him he won`t argue, I only should give him something to eat and to drink. But I really fail a close person, I mean I`d like to meet someone... But naturally, this is life, it`s not like I want an apple I go and buy it, I mean love is such a thing which may come and go, but... (pause) I think I fall in love easily, I mean I had a lot of girls I was familiar with, only that maybe there wasn`t the one who`d spend the rest of her days... the rest of her days with me, but... We are working on this, and I think like I want already... I don`t know, mayby it`s too early, but I just want to be in a family, it`s like the foolish thoughts I`ve got: a young guy, 21 years old, everybody tells me "What`s wrong with you, Lyoshka? (very lovely playful smile) Go and live, you`ve got a dog, go for a walk and enjoy the life while you are young", but I just want to have a close person. Maybe that`s because I don`t have my mom, the closest person, near me, but (deep-drawn sigh) sometimes I just feel lonely, I come home and I have nobody to talk to. But there and then I (shows like he`s turning the dail) phone all my friends, like, guys, what are you doing, go to a movies and everything... I mean I choke up my loneliness somehow.
Then again go some fragments, and then it`s back to the studio, to the main interview.
I: Well-well, we have to clear up the situation im-me-dia-te-ly! Why alone? And what about a girlfriend? You are a grown up guy...
A: Maybe I`m grown up, but I`m only 21 (smiles very playfuly and archly) so I`ve got everything in front of me.
I: You`d better start dating someone, is there a girl...
A:No, but we are working on this, that`s life, that`s...
D: For now it`s a dog.
A: Right, for now it`s a dog, let us start with small things (smiling, almost laughing; Iolanda laughs), let us start with animals, with pets. For now it`s a dog... maybe we`ll find somebody soon...
I: But a constant girlfriend... I`m saying all this because a lot of girls are watching us right now, so they get to know the guy is free...
A: (with "come and take me" look) I`m here, I`m in Moscow!
I: And absolutely free, right?
A: Absolutely free and for the time being I`m really happy with... Of course it`s hard to live alone and of course I`d like to have a caring person near me, but...
I: Goodness me, how many people would agree to run and cook shchi for you (Alexei smiles).
D: You were complaining to Vassili Solovjov so much, like it`s almost impossible: you come home, nobody cooks for you, it`s just a nightmare.
A: ( smiling vividly) That was before, that was before! I`m not lonely right now.
I: (smiling) They`ll come together and start cooking. But tell us, do you assort with somebody of our guys who live in America, with the guys from NHL in particular, there are a lot of them living there, playing hockey.
A: (little sigh) Not so often, you know. I know one guy... two: Pavel Kvasha - I don`t remember, it seems to me he changed Florida for another team; and also Victor Kozlov, who also plays for Florida, I spent one of the holidays at his place once, but I wouldn`t say we`re familiar with each other. It`s like (waves his hands) we`re all working together (argh, I can`t translate this, it`s really VERY figurative expression. To put it word by word it`d be like "we all are in the same kitchen and we are cooked there"), we`re all in the same pile, like Vasya said.
D: You have your own company, with your own amuzements, with fishing-rods, with dogs?
I: With joint dinners.
D: Or is it all very gloomily, only the rink, came and gone...
A: Actually it gets a bit boring sometimes like it`s the rink, home, the dog, to get some sleep, to sleep myself fill and... it`s all the same, and you see your coach all the time (stars to smile nicely) but of course we have... I`m really glad we have a big group, I`m not the only one in this group but also many dancers and so we don`t get bored. I mean the guys are really active and if there is something it`s like: "Lyosha" they phone me "Lyosha, do you have some time?" I say "What`s up?" (Iolanda laughs) They say "We`ve got a proposal you can`t refuse" (playfuly) I say "What`s that?"
They say "Let`s go to a poolroom" OK, let`s go to play billiard or let`s go to Hartford (spell?), let`s go for a walk somewhere, just something... I mean they constantlly move me and I`m very glad there are people around me carrying me along into everyday life.
D: But Hartford is the city you live in, right?
A: We live near Hartford, it`s 10 minutes away from the big city.
I: (archly) There they live in the country, wonderfuly. (Alexei smiles very nicely)
D: We live in Moscow, so let us hear our viewer. Hi!
I: Hallo!
V: Hallo! Hi! I`d like... My name is Lena, I`m from Moscow. I`d like to ask this question: will You change Your programs for the Olympics, and what is your hobby?
I: Great.
A: Thank you.
I: Thank you very much.
A: As for hobby, I really like to play tennis, but unfortunately...
I: Is it big tennis?
A: Yes it`s big tennis. Unfortunately I had twisted my ankle once before (slightly frowning)... before the last years GPF so I`m abstaining from this game, but when I`m on tours, when I`m somwhere at the camps in summer I really like to play this sport, to deal with it.
I: But with somebody of our skaters...
D: And another hobby is fishing, right?
A: But fishing... (crossing his hands) it was so much more hard for me... really hard to prepare for this season and, aam... especially with the feeling I had lost the last season (ironicly) I wanted to change everything in my life, I started to lose flesh, I started to do exercises, I tryed to change myself which didn`t lead me to a big success and the GWG is a good example; (even more ironicly) I tryed to go fishing, I tryed to be left alone to think about my behavoir, about my life... well, to this point I haven`t managed to get a single fish, but I took part in a process, in fishing process (everybody laughs).
D: But you tryed to get it and not once.
A: Yeah, tryed to get it and it not once.
D: But tell us...
I: We have one more question from our viewer, we have to answer...
D: We`ll come back to it, we`ll come back to it! About the programs... we still have time. And here is the question I asked for a thousand times our gymnast girls: the words "losing flesh" are usually like a drama, so what it was like to you? (Iolanda laughs)
A: You know this summer I realized (with playful but very sincere look) what all the women are going through. (pause) I mean I didn`t think about what I eat and how my life is going before, but this is an Olympic season and I started thinking seriously about what had happened and what I have to change in my life (all this not really seriously), I started to lose flesh, I ate 2 apples a day and it was very hard... I lost much weight and I`m keeping my weight till now - it was 8 kilograms a month. And I`m very glad I realized...
I:Are you feeling better now?
A: I`m flying like a balloon now (archly smile) and I think...
I: But what about a strength in legs, it is also important.
A: The main thing is to have strength in mind (Iolanda laughs, Alexei smiles) and then you`ll have no problem with the strength in legs. I`m really glad I`ve gone through this and... I skate with much more ease now... of course that was not a pleasant process but... it helps.
I: I will move aside our viewer`s second question then. There was a lot of stir in the press because of that Collins tour story. It was rumored, I don`t know whether it`s true or not, (Alexei listens with a smile) like you were... not exactly dismissed... but at any casy you incured a penalty for the mean behaviour. Is that so?
A: Right, it is so. 2,5 or 2 years ago, or maybe even more, but you know... again, life is going on and the manager of this tour asked me to sign an 8 years agreement but I then asked him a very simple question (with kind of "heh, now this is interesting" look or, should I say, with a slightly noticable jeer?): Tom - he is a manager of this tour - but why had you dismissed me then?
I: It means you were actually dismissed, right?
A: Yes, that`s right, I was dismissed from the tour with disgrace (smiles, makes a kind of "throw out" gesture with his hand).
D: For antisocial behaviour...
A: Right, because in Russia, as you know, what is happenning on the streets: everybody is with a bottle of beer, everybody is having a rest, everybody has a wonderful life.
I: That`s just normal.
A: Yes, this is normal and we have no limit here, I mean whether you are 15, or 20, or 30 you can absolutely easy go and buy alcohol.
I: Right, there`s no problem.
A: There are totally different rules in America and then, for that moment, I had just moved to America, it seems to me that was the same year I changed for Tatiana Anatoljevna Tarasova... no...
I: That was the next year.
A: Right, that was the next year, I`ve just moved to America...
I: It was even half a year after that...
A: Right, and I wasn`t so familiar yet... I wasn`t so much into this American life, I was kinda thoughtlessly taking it (Iolanda laughs) and... I was still living like I was in Russia so, for example, that`s why I (a kind of glance of reproof, but I guess not towards himself but towards the rules maybe) ventured a strong drink, like beer in a bar and I was... for that...
D: Now I see why you are signed for 8 years, because you are 21 at last.
A: Yeah, 21.
I: (laughing) Now Collins is thinking "Thanks Goodness!".
D: Right, we didn`t forget about our viewer`s question, but I think we should give an oppotunity to ask one more question.
V: Good evening!
I&G: Hi!
V: My name is Vjacheslav, I`m from a town of Koroljov, near Moscow. Alexei, I watched Your wonderful SP several times, I think it is called "Snowy winter".
I: Right. (Alexei slightly nods with half a smile)
V: This is of course makes an impressure not only here in Russia, but it creates a furore in the whole world. I`ve been watching figure skating for over 30 years but honestly I`ve never seen anything like this before and I think your alliance with Tatiana Tarasova is a brilliant alliance and I just wish she would continue to work and bring joy to us after the Olympics because this is really a phenomenon (Alexei slightly smiles) not only in our Russian sport but in the world sport of figure skating. And my question is: what it`s like for You to work with Tatiana Anatoljevna? Because like we`ve heard (Alexei looks above, licks his lips several times) she is very authoritative coach, a strong-willed one. Is there any difficulties in the working process, despite the fact that, as I said, as a result You`ve got IMO the most artistic, the most... fiery programs (Alexei slightly nods). Thanks.
I: Thank you very much for this wonderful question. The question is really... As we said in our previous program, when you`ve just changed for Tatiana Anatoljevna, everything was working well, you got used to each other. But it`s been quite a long time since then and when people are working in such a close contact, it`s absolutely normal for sports, it happens sometimes they begin to irritate each other, just because here they are and they are togethr all the time. Is it like this, or is this moment already over, or is it just coming?
A: You know, Tatiana Anatoljevna Tarasova is a great person and she had a great father and really I can say I`m not only happy to work with Tatiana Anatoljevna Tarasova but I`m proud of it and I thank my lucky stars for it. Of course she is a very strict person but at the same time she is tender because she is a woman and she cares... women here in Russia... (ironicly-playfuly) Russian women, they are of that kind, they have to care (Iolanda grins). I`m very happy with our alliance, I became a totally different person; working with her I realized the fact I don`t have only to jump on the ice, but I have to feel the music and... skating any program we`ve created together I try to explain the judges, the audience also... other people why was it chosen... why was this program chosen, what it is about and at this moment, exactly this year I feel the full pleasure training and working with her, creating characters on ice. That`s what she had discovered in me and I`m very happy. Of course it`s hard, we have wrangles because I`m not an easy person, I`m very stubborn person, but she is also stubborn in her own way and so, but...
I: (smiling) But how does it look like, your quarrels for example?
A: Sometimes it`s like... (slightly smiling, starts to wave his hands, speaks with a bit of irony) There are some stresses, I quit the practices, scream (with a "quit" gesture), saying "That`s it, I`m finished with figure skating, I`m fed up with it!". But there and then she comes to the checkroom and we talk about totally different things like shops, for example, or about what she had cooked for dinner, she is great at cooking soups (smiles with contented look; I guess now it is obvious he likes soups )
I: And you (ironicly) are just melting, I know, as you have nobody to cook soups.
A: (smiling broadly) But nevertheless this is food! There was a diet and now I`m stable to my weight and so... You know she is an amazing person and I can`t stop wondering every day about her talent and about the ability she has for getting from the person something what lies within him and to open it for the others.
I: But what do you think, is there still more inside of you so she could get it out? Because with every year, as we can see, back to the programs` subject... Even 2 years ago nobody could imagine you can skate like that, that you are of that kind.
A: (smiling) Even me myself couldn`t imagine, watching myself on TV I think (playfuly-ironicly-contentedly) "Wow, what a molodets I am!" (I think you all know the meaning of the word "molodets", lol. In case somebody doesn`t know it means "really-really very good guy who did a great job") It`s like I`ve discovered another planet for myself, I skate, I realize what my skate is about, and I get better and better every year and this is only her achievement and... I don`t know where this energy comes from (shows with his hands like he is taking something from inside himself (do I get it right ), smiles), to wrestle with such a stubborn person like me, but she`s even more... she opens my soul more and more and... After the "Gladiator" program it was hard to believe even for me that will happen something...
I: Better.
A: But this year it`s a SP and... (waves his hands) I think I`m capable of something more and she keeps repeating this to me every day, she... at today`s practices, for example, I was only beginning to skate because the injury still bothers me a bit, but I skated models of the programs (?), I skated it for one time and said (starts acting again) "Tatiana Anatoljevna, looks like it`s OK" She says "Lyosha! Limit for the good... there is no limit for the better. I mean, go, go. I turn the music on for you... Go!" I mean she is very kind but on the same time very strict person (clenches his fist, smiles) I mean she is strict exactly in sports, but in life she is very tender and kind.
I: But what are your guarrels about most oftenly? What is the main reason for them?
A: The reason of our quarrels is never her. (Iolanda smiles) If something happens it happens only because of me, for example I took umbrage at myself cause something went wrong at practice and I realize (frowning, but ironicly) this is an Olympic season or, for example, last year, something goes wrong (very fluently, waving his hands), I understand I have to go to European Championships, to World Championships, I have to perform but skating the program just doesn`t go well and I`m angry only with myself, but naturally she is also in this training process and I quit the practice, I`m offended but I`m offended only by myself, I think she is always right and... I`m really happy I started working with her and I keep repeating to myself everyday (smiles playfuly) I have to obey her more if I want to achieve something in sport.
I: So, "The Iron Mask" - we are answering our viewer`s question - is it the final Olympic program or will there be some changes? Finishing our program we necessarily have to (Alexei lowers his head, examining closely his hand) clear something up for ourselves on the threshold of the Olympics.
A: You know, it`s like you just knew (starts to smile) what you can ask me about the program because I really like the SP, I like both programs created this year. SP remains absolutely the same, I only need to work on (ironicly) not to touch down the ice after 3,5 jump. As for the FP there are some changes in it... naturally not for the worse but for the better and... I need to work on speed a bit, but... The program won`t change, the costumes won`t change, only on the technique, on skating, on spins.
D: On this note we just break off, we thank Alexei Yagudin and we say good bye to you. All the best!
A: Good bye.
That was a very long but enjoyable article, wasn't it??!!






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